22 March 2010

Objective Morality?

Sam Harris, well known for his polemic attacks on religion makes some interesting points in this TED talk:

21 March 2010

Life Saving Power of the Mind

In this TEDMED Talk Dr. Ken Kamler talks about how a climber on Mt. Everest marshaled his mental resourcefulness to save his life after he was left for dead.

20 March 2010

Golden Mean, Fibonacci, & Life

Videos about these related concepts:

Awesome eye candy video:

Explanatory Video Series- Episode 1 of 9

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

02 March 2010

Distinguishing two kinds of happiness

Here is Daniel Kahneman's TED Talk in which he sounds an important warning to those who are on the happiness bandwagon: